PARID is designed to solve nonlinear optimization problems for determining
multidimensional parameters from measured or simulated data. These problems are characterized by a mathematical model J, which depends on parameters x and known quantities t, and the task, called multi-parameter-fitting, is to determine the unknowns x in such a way that the computed model J(t,x) fits in an optimal way the measured (or simulated) data g. Use PARID to study the influence of parameters without performing experiments - or use it to develop appropriate models. PARID provides the following features:
- Rapid model implementation A Microsoft Visual C++ or Borland C++ compiler has to be installed on your computer to generate your own model implementation. Parid is free for eduacational purposes THIS VERSION IS BETA; feel free to send comments and questions to
Download PARID 0.4 beta Win 95/98/NT Version